New Office Saftey Protocols

We have made many COVID 19 changes for your protection. We’ve updated the office air purification system to include an ultraviolet C (UV-C) light similar to those used in hospitals to help kill bacteria and viruses in the air. We have also installed medical grade HyperHEPA filtration throughout the office. The air in each treatment room is completely refiltered every 4 minutes. You will also notice air vacuums in the treatment rooms to reduce aerosol during drilling procedures. These units filter out particles that are almost 100 times smaller than the coronavirus. Throughout the day, surfaces are continually fogged with hypochlorous acid, killing the virus on contact.

When you arrive for your next appointment, please call us from the car. We will let you know when we are ready for you to come up. This will limit the number of patients in the office and allow you to come in and go directly to the treatment room without waiting. Appointments will be spaced apart to allow for social distancing. You will be given a Purell hand wash as soon as you walk through the door. Next you will have your temperature taken with a contact free thermometer. We will also do a simple test to check your oxygen levels. In addition, you will be screened the day before to rule out any COVID-19 symptoms. Everyone entering the building MUST be wearing a mask!!! If you do not have a mask, we will provide you with one.

Rest assured we have gone above and beyond CDC and ADA guidelines to ensure our office environment is as safe for you as it can be. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our office and we will be happy to assist you.

We’re looking forward to seeing you and your beautiful smiles!